
Thursday, January 19, 2012

20 Weeks

I was offered a free ultrasound through this organization looking for some of their employees to gain experience. I think it helped that we were having twins. They were eager to sign me up. It was great to see the babies at week 20. They're little busy beavers.


This week I am feeling babies move throughout the day. More so after I have eaten a meal. My reaction last week when I first felt them move was, "wow I am not alone." At times this feeling takes me by surprise, but I am quickly embracing the feeling knowing the babies are growing. Last night was a huge milestone. Lou was able to feel them kicking. 

Aside from my bulging tummy, and my little belly button looking like a premature volcano my acne has improved. I am still working out about 4x a week and eating a fairly balanced diet. I am finding it hard to sleep on my back; some nights leave me restless.

Perks: We were offered a free maternity and newborn photography session with an incredibly talented woman!

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