
Friday, January 27, 2012

21 Weeks

We joined the Twins & Beyond Support Group which has been wonderful and very helpful. I am already signed up to prepare a meal for a family with newborn twins. 

It's hard not to think about how much we take for granted. Just getting in and out of the car and taking off my socks seem to have become more challenging. 

I look forward to meeting and holding my two little ones in just a few months!

  • I was having some new pains in my abdomen this week. My cautious OB called me in for an ultrasound/checkin. They wanted to make sure my cervix had not dilated. Appointment went well and all three of us are doing good.
  • I've gained about 13lbs. Carrying around an extra 13lbs is hard work!
  • Baby movement is constant, occurring throughout the day. 

21 weeks | Liam (Baby A)

21 weeks | Ana (Baby B)

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