
Thursday, May 13, 2010

2 more days!

  • Baking delicious treats!
  • No work!
  • Drinking at least 1.5 gallon of distilled water - more the better!
  • Go through routine - 30minutes AM
  • 45 minute light circuit - focus on shoulders/bi/tri
  • Yesterday I weighed in at 93lbs
  • 7-8hrs of sleep each night is what I need prior to competition
  • No need to consume electrolyte capsules - cramping in foot arch isolated to feet only, no need to consume extra sodium, massage periodically

Meal 1:
1/2 egg yolk
4 egg whites
1/4 cup oatmeal (prepared w/distilled water)
5 large strawberries
Cinnamon for taste

Meal 2:
1/2 jasmine white rice (prepared w/distilled water)
56g cooked chicken

Meal 3:
Elite whey protein - 20g
Creatine pre/post circuit
Dried Fruit

Meal 4:
3 egg whites
Dried Fruit

Meal 5:
4 egg whites

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

3 more days!

  • Consuming at least 2 gallons distilled water - overhydrating the body, flushing extra sodium
  • Preparing all foods with distilled water
  • 45 minute cardio session (light)
  • Lift - endurance lifting - not to failure
  • Drinking teas with a diuretic effect is fine - counts as part of water consumption
  • Bake delicious things!
  • No work!

Meal 1:
1/2 cup oatmeal (prepared with distilled water)
4 large strawberries
Cinnamon for taste
3 egg whites

Meal 2: (post leg workout)
Elite whey protein
125g apple
Creatine pre/post workout

Meal 3:
1/2 cup jasmine white rice (prepared with distilled water)
4 egg whites

Meal 4:
1/2 cup jasmine white rice (prepared with distilled water)
4 egg whites

Meal 5:
4 egg whites

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Sticky Buns

Surprised Lou with a sweet treat this morning...smells amazing! Light, flaky dough filled with brown sugar, toasted pecans, and sweet raisins!
My kitchen missed me while I was away - and I missed my kitchen!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday - 5 more days!

Back on track. I have many things to remember and do this week to help prepare me for Saturday. Started the day with a good hour of cycling and great chest workout. The creatine is really assisting with blood flow during my lifts. Good pump!

More to come...

- 7% body fat
- 95lbs
- drinking lemon water, helping with bloating and digestion
- ate dried fruit today, good energy source (no fat in low GI fruits)
- staying away from veggies (especially carrots - full of fiber and makes me feel bloated)
- no negative side effects from eating more calories yesterday
- stomach looking flatter
- staying really low fat and upping the carb intake for week before competition

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Travel Day - Returning Home - Mother's Day!

Travel day was a day of pleasure...despite my planning, my eating schedule was off and I did not factor the time difference. I ate most of my meals by early AM, and was starving by early afternoon. Nice. At least I got a good 35 minutes of cardio in before leaving for the airport.

Knowing that I was able to consume a little more calories (1/2 peanut butter and jelly sandwhich when I got home) I indulged a little. Staying at a hotel with continental breakfast (ALL YOU CAN EAT) every morning is evil. I gave in and ate a small blueberry muffin. During my travel day I also ate a small cinnamon raisin bagel. When I got home I ate my 1/2 peanut butter and jelly sandwhich and to top off the night, we celebrating mother's day by having euphoria truffles. I had 1/2 a truffle. Delicious!

Here were the totals for day:
1510 Calories
49 Fat
173 Carb
97 Protein

Believe it or not - I was still at a negative 53 calories... so at least I didn't gain anything!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Updated Pic

Progress at 5-7-10 - 8 more days to go!

9 More Days!

Travel, work, diet, and training are going well...I make do with what I have and do my best to stay on track. It's all I can do! It's my 2nd day in Chicago and I was finally able to go to the grocery store...probably bought more food than I an consume, but at least I have what I need. Eggs, fresh raw green beans, carrots, and asparagus.

I packed way too much whey, but have a good amount of tuna/salmon packets to get me through the trip. Better to have more than not enough!

Travel Day:
781 Calories
12g fat
90 carb
86 protein
45 minutes of cardio - running
- I ate a luna bar for the 1st time in was amazing and so delicious!

Work Day 1:
763 calories
13g fat
70 carb
96 protein
45 minutes of cardio - cycling
45 minute lift - shoulders/tri/bi/weighted abs

-Able to feel a good pump when lifting - I think the creatine is assisting with blood flow and helps with the great pump!
- Feeling a little bloated today, but not going to stress about it

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

11 More Days!

Doing good - preparing and planning for my Chicago trip. Work decided to send me to Chicago last minute. Nice.

Took a trip to the grocery store and found 2.5oz of bagged tuna and smoked salmon. Stoked! Contacted TSA and it sounds like I can take my whey protein too! More smiles from me for sure!!!


About 2 weeks out add-ins/changes

Started taking creatine 1x a day 4,000mg
-non lifting days I take 1 serving in the AM with some carb (preferably fruit or juice)
-lifting days 2,000mg before and after workout
-creatine works best with water (note to self: over drink water if possible)

-Taking pictures to track my progress now - picture w/out tanning products, pump, vasodilators, and bad lighting

-B/C I am on track with diet and progress - I get 1/2 a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich on Sunday - I will then monitor how I look and feel after I have consumed it, particularly the next AM
-will need to assess the tightest of my skin, bloating, etc... if I have good results I will do this day before competition

- ate tofu yesterday for the first time in a while and felt very bloated, do not consume during competition diet

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Good Day - Great Progress!

Two weeks from today I will have a VERY happy tummy. It will be full of bagels, cream cheese, lox, fruit, coffee cake, and american dream pizza.

Changed my music for my routine, but VERY happy about it. "Universalism" by Ancient Fusion. For the first time throughout my training I feel like my conditioning has paid off. I feel about 95% ready two weeks out. Exactly where I should be! Looking fairly ripped and I only have about 8 more seconds to my routine to put together.

7% body fat, 95lbs

Riviera Egg Pie

I wanted to make a Spinach Ricotta Quiche for dinner, but ended up making this Riviera Egg Pie. Similar ingredients as a quiche except no cream. Added touches included sauted onions and a pie crust to top it off. I used a package of frozen chopped spinach instead of fresh chopped spinach because I had some left over and wanted to use it up. Turned out nice and fluffy! I served it with a side of fresh cut cucumber and Toby's Ranch Dressing drizzled on top.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Baking Adventures

I baked all these cookies (and cupcake) today and I can officially say I have my very own cookie to call my own. The Mint Chocolate White Chunk Cookie.

I baked:
Oat Lace Cookie
Chocolate Whirls
Chocolate Truffle Cookie
Mint Chocolate White Chunk Cookie
Coconut Macaroon
Coconut Chocolate Chip Macaroon
Flower Cupcake
Gingersnap-Raspberry Sandwhiches
Lemon Bars


I just came across "The Steamy Kitchen Cookbook" by Jaden Hair. I am totally inspired to cook Asian Cuisine in my own home! This makes me smile!

2 more weeks!

Two weeks from today I will be competing!

I am officially 95 lbs 2 weeks out and feeling fairly good about my progress. My stomach will still be the last place I lose fat. I guess we all have those areas that never seem to go away. Oh well. :)