
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

3 more days!

  • Consuming at least 2 gallons distilled water - overhydrating the body, flushing extra sodium
  • Preparing all foods with distilled water
  • 45 minute cardio session (light)
  • Lift - endurance lifting - not to failure
  • Drinking teas with a diuretic effect is fine - counts as part of water consumption
  • Bake delicious things!
  • No work!

Meal 1:
1/2 cup oatmeal (prepared with distilled water)
4 large strawberries
Cinnamon for taste
3 egg whites

Meal 2: (post leg workout)
Elite whey protein
125g apple
Creatine pre/post workout

Meal 3:
1/2 cup jasmine white rice (prepared with distilled water)
4 egg whites

Meal 4:
1/2 cup jasmine white rice (prepared with distilled water)
4 egg whites

Meal 5:
4 egg whites

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