
Friday, May 7, 2010

9 More Days!

Travel, work, diet, and training are going well...I make do with what I have and do my best to stay on track. It's all I can do! It's my 2nd day in Chicago and I was finally able to go to the grocery store...probably bought more food than I an consume, but at least I have what I need. Eggs, fresh raw green beans, carrots, and asparagus.

I packed way too much whey, but have a good amount of tuna/salmon packets to get me through the trip. Better to have more than not enough!

Travel Day:
781 Calories
12g fat
90 carb
86 protein
45 minutes of cardio - running
- I ate a luna bar for the 1st time in was amazing and so delicious!

Work Day 1:
763 calories
13g fat
70 carb
96 protein
45 minutes of cardio - cycling
45 minute lift - shoulders/tri/bi/weighted abs

-Able to feel a good pump when lifting - I think the creatine is assisting with blood flow and helps with the great pump!
- Feeling a little bloated today, but not going to stress about it

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