
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

11 More Days!

Doing good - preparing and planning for my Chicago trip. Work decided to send me to Chicago last minute. Nice.

Took a trip to the grocery store and found 2.5oz of bagged tuna and smoked salmon. Stoked! Contacted TSA and it sounds like I can take my whey protein too! More smiles from me for sure!!!


About 2 weeks out add-ins/changes

Started taking creatine 1x a day 4,000mg
-non lifting days I take 1 serving in the AM with some carb (preferably fruit or juice)
-lifting days 2,000mg before and after workout
-creatine works best with water (note to self: over drink water if possible)

-Taking pictures to track my progress now - picture w/out tanning products, pump, vasodilators, and bad lighting

-B/C I am on track with diet and progress - I get 1/2 a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich on Sunday - I will then monitor how I look and feel after I have consumed it, particularly the next AM
-will need to assess the tightest of my skin, bloating, etc... if I have good results I will do this day before competition

- ate tofu yesterday for the first time in a while and felt very bloated, do not consume during competition diet

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